my angelic witch....she has always been a princess at halloween until this year...she wanted to do something different and debated between being a cowgirl or a witch....I think she made an adorable witch.....this pic was after the trick or treating, after she loaded up her belly on candy and soda and juice....when it was way past her bedtime but she didn't want to give in to the sleepy bugs in her eyes and was about to fall asleep in the chair!! yep, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about....and when she finally falls asleep I go digging in that candy bag and munch out too!!
yep, I'm way behind on things but still wanted to share this card I made for halloween....

I've done a couple of collages to remind myself of some of the good things in life....
when music fills the air and life is wonderful...
this time of our life when all we see is the magic and promise of love....when all we need is to look in the eyes of our loved one to feel the bond and comfort that only a shared love can bring....
ahhh, the first bloom of love....and the honeymoon stage of marriage when we still have the stars in our eyes and when we know our lives are perfect.....

I have been in such a funky mood lately...I suffer from SAD and the winter months are bad for me....I try to get as much sun as I can,that is supposed to my posts may not be as often as usual...I've not even been on the blogs for a 2 or 3 weeks and have some catching up to do on reading some of the wonderful posts out there....but trying to get my self together and hopefully I can get back to crafting soon....
ok,blah,blah,blah, enough of my moaning and complaining....lets get to some good things to blog about!!
Krissa is crafting with bits and pieces....
there is a little bit of everything in these...including some nails!! she loves using odd items in her crafts...a true trash to treasure little artist in the making.....
the horse is from a broken trophy....she made this one for poppa....they share a love of horses....not me tho, I got to admit I'm scared of them....I think they are beautiful and love seeing them in the field eating and running and playing...but I don't want any contact with them...
pipe cleaners and a little ball off of an old toy...
foam she has colored with markers....

I'm sure you've noticed her table....she has drawn and wrote things all over it...but its hers and it is a work of art in itself....
the young ones have such imagination....don't you just love when they get creative and surprise you with little gifts....she is always giving me little drawings...I'll share some of them soon...
suzy in her favorite spot......

We've also had a birthday here, Krissa turned 11 and she had a birthday party and sleepover....I'll share pics of them soon too...haven't loaded them on the puter yet but will get to them soon...
Thanks for stopping in and listening to all my blather(hmmm,did I spell that right, or is it even a word??) to get in bed, six o'clock comes early....Hagd and hugs to all!
so good to see you posting again! missed you!
your little angel witch is adorable!! oh yes, the after trick-or-treating exhaustion and happiness!
am soooo lovin' your digital collages, betty! they're awesome!! you have a true gift/talent!
hang in there and get lots of sunshine when you can!!
terry lee
oh its great to see you posting again hun have missed coming over here your witch looks beautiful and all the other great things you have to delight us all,take care sweetheart as i know exactly how hard things can get,thinking of you love cheryl xxxxx
Hi Betty, I'm glad you up and about and doing the things you love. I've missed you and hope the days are a little brighter over your way! Hugs, Mollye
Hi Betty, just catching up with blogs and friends love your halloween collages and hope all is good with you my friend
hugs June xxx
i very much relate to your SAD as i have a very difficult time during the winter months. half of the time spent faking my way through so as not to upset other people and the other half of the time just not caring enough to even do that. hang in there and keep doing the wonderful art as i'm quite inspired by you~!~
loved seeing the (budding) mixed media artist's work~!!~
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