Sunday, August 9, 2009

Flowers and ...Mud????

Here's a couple of flowers from our yard...Krissa took them today...she packed the camera around for over an hour shooting pics of everything she could think of.....cats...dogs....and some so blurry that I have no idea what they were supposed to be!!

Krissa and some of her friends spent some time today making mud pies.....she was so proud of them she had to take a few pics......hey,its a cheap toy!! lol...dont you love it when they get enjoyment out of something that doesn't cost you a penny....even the water she used for the mud pies came from rain water we had caught in a bucket.....

and this is a cow Krissa made in church a couple of weeks ago.....

she is a crafter in the making...she loves it and I try to encourage it whenever possible...

thanks for stopping in...hope you enjoyed this glimpse of our sunday...

Have a good week!!!


misselaineous said...

MMmmm.I do love me a good mudpie!! My guys are all grown...must be time to teach my sweet granddaughter, Ali, how to make 'em. The blurry purple flower is called a swampmallow in Florida, I think...don't quote me on it! I have 1 in my yard, and it looks like it's related to the Hibiscus. sweet old is Krissa? My Ali's 21/2 and growing like a weed...have a great week *elaine*

DMG said...

Krissa is a multi-talented gal!